The Multinational CIMIC Group (MNCG), a NATO civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) unit based at Motta di Livenza military base in Treviso, Italy, provides training and education for military personnel and civilians supporting NATO missions and operations. Courses are designed to enhance skills in planning and managing humanitarian aid, responding to medical emergencies, supporting local authorities and fostering coordination with NGOs and other international organisations active in the same theatre.
Allied nations Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia contribute to the group. CIMIC operators trained by the Multinational CIMIC Group have participated in NATO missions and operations, including in Kosovo and Afghanistan. They have also provided international help in Lebanon, Somalia and Djibouti, among other countries.
This training, conducted annually, was held from 13 to 24 July 2020 and draws on lessons learned from different operating theatres where MNCG has deployed highly qualified staff. This year’s course was held in accordance with the restrictions provided for the containment of COVID-19.
Footage includes military personnel training patrols to assess operational environment, response to simulated ambushes and casualties with the support of the Italian Army’s 6th Alpini Regiment of mountain infantry specialists and of the Italian Air Force’s 4th Army Aviation regiment (AVES Altair), as well as trainees participating in lectures.