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NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland tests out for Expert Infantryman Badge (WITH SUBS)

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Watch members of NATO’s eFP Battlegroup Poland test out for the Expert Infantryman Badge.


Throughout the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroups maintain readiness. In Poland, soldiers with the NATO eFP Battlegroup recently conducted various tasks to try and earn the Expert Infantryman Badge. They were tested on physical fitness, first aid, weapons firing and navigation tests. The badge was contested by soldiers from Croatia, the UK and the US.

Training continues across all NATO eFP Battlegroups with troops taking special care to limit the spread of COVID-19 by wearing protective equipment and maintaining social distancing.

This footage – filmed by NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland – includes various shots of soldiers from the battlegroup performing various tasks to try and earn the Expert Infantryman Badge.




1st Lieutenant Kacie Teeter, NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland
“So far this week we’ve been tested with a physical fitness test, we’ve done day and night landnav and today we’ve just completed weapons training. Tomorrow we’ll have medical training and then following that we’ll have the full training.”

Staff Sergeant Steven Rodriguez, NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland
“We’re being tested to be able to prove ourselves, to prove that we can earn a badge saying that not only we are good at these tasks but we are experts at these tasks.”

1st Lieutenant Kacie Teeter, NATO eFP Battlegroup Poland
“Right now for training we are trying to always maintain six feet between each soldier and each individual, as well as wiping down equipment after we use it and always wearing our gloves.”
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