In response to COVID-19, NATO and Allies are sharing medical supplies, airlifting critical patients and providing other vital support in a time of need.
NATO and Allies face a grave challenge in COVID-19 and Allies continue to help each other with medical supplies, airlifting critical patients and providing other vital support.
Shots include footage of airlifts by NATO Allies using Strategic Airlift Capability; footage of US humanitarian assistance; shots of hospital construction in Slovenia and Romania; and shots of sterilisation teams in Montenegro. Footage courtesy of: the German, Montenegro, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and US armed forces; and the Strategic Airlift Capability.
SOUNDBITE (English) Jens Stoltenberg “NATO was created to deal with crises. So we can help in this common fight against an invisible enemy.
We decided to direct our top commander, General Wolters, to coordinate the necessary military support to combat the crisis, to speed up and step up assistance.
SOUNDBITE (English) General Tod Wolters “As a strategic headquarters with a broad spectrum of planning resources, we remain well equipped to expedite COVID-19 support efforts between nations.”
SOUNDBITE (English) Jens Stoltenberg “We are in this crisis together. And when we respond together, our response is more effective.”
This media asset is free for editorial broadcast, print, online and radio use. It is restricted for use for other purposes. Some footage courtesy of the Strategic Airlift Capability and SHAPE.