
NATO Multimedia

Real Thaw 2018 - Portugal hosts a live-fly exercise

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Portugal hosts a live-fly exercise in a joint multinational environment
that will feature 35 aircraft and 1,500 personnel from Portugal,
Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the United States and NATO
(E-3A AWACS and DA-20).


Portugal hosts a live-fly exercise in a joint multinational environment
that features 35 aircraft and 1,500 personnel from the Portuguese Air
Force, Army and Navy and military forces from Denmark, France, the
Netherlands, Spain, the United States and NATO (E-3A AWACS and DA-
Training takes place in a realistic environment, as close as possible to
current theatres of operation, to prepare participating nations for
international missions in operational scenarios and to develop
interoperability between participating Allies.
The exercise includes air defence, convoy protection in humanitarian
missions, close air support to ground forces and special operations,
extraction of military and civilian elements, cargo and paratroopers
drops, combat search and rescue, aeromedical evacuations, civil-
military cooperation, conventional guided and high-accuracy ordnance
attacks and conventional attacks on maritime forces.
Among several civil-military cooperation activities a “Spotters day” took
place, attended by more than 150 avionics enthusiasts coming from
several countries to watch the take-offs and landings of the aircraft at
Monte Real Airbase.


  1. 00 – 00.04 Entrance of Monte Real Air Base.
  2. 04 – 01.33 Portuguese pilots preparing F-16M for flight at Monte Real Air Base.
  3. 33 – 01.43 Danish F-16M taxiing on runway for take-off.
  4. 43 – 01.56 Portuguese aircraft technician preparing Portuguese F-16M before take-off.
  5. 56 – 02.20 Spanish F-18 Hornet taxiing on runway for take-off.
  6. 20 – 02.43 Portuguese F-16M taxiing on runway for take-off.
  7. 43 – 03.00 Spotters approaching the border of the runway.
  8. 00 – 04.27 Different aircraft taking off and spotters making pictures and videos.
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